The Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God. ( II Timothy 3:16)

In the oneness of God - that there are three manifestations of the one God: Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. (I John 5:8)

The name by which God is known is the Lord Jesus Christ. (Philippians 2:9-10)  

In the Virgin birth, death, burial and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. (I Timothy 3:16)  

In the necessity of baptism by immersion in water in Jesus name according to Acts 2:38, and the infilling of the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4. This constitutes the new birth spoken of by the Lord Jesus Christ in (St. John 3:5)  

In living a holy, consecrated, and sanctified life. (I Peter 1:15)  

​In the translation of the saints, commonly known as the Rapture. (I Thessalonians. 4:13-17)

our leadership

Calvary is a family friendly church


that is designed to meet the holistic needs of all people regardless of race, creed, age or color. We place a high premium on praise and people. Calvary is the place "where dreams come true". We are here to help you become the best you can be! Through Christ and the fellowship of other believers, this possibility can become your reality.



what we believe